Sailing Camp Nechranice
[9. 2. 2015 20:31:07]
Sailing Camp Nechranice

There is a sailing camp for Lasers and Optimists going to be organized at the end of April 2015.

Sailing camp Nechranice 25 to 26 April 2015


1) Packaging boats

24th Aptil, 3:00 PM, YC CERE

2) Transport

Iveco + big lift

Departure from Prague: 24th April, about 5PM YC CERE

Arrival in Prague: 26th April, about 6PM YC CERE.

3) Accommodation & food

Competitors will be accommodated max. Four in cabins that will have heating, bed, table, kitchen, toilet, shower and a small terrace for drying things.

Dine at the local restaurant (breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks) and coaches (water biscuits, snacks ...).

3) Coaches

Vojta Lambl (head coach, trainer Optimist)

Other coaches will be added.

Capacity action is a maximum of 15 participants in order to create a training group, must register at least 4 lasers, or 4 optimist.

4) Price

2.200 - / person (includes meals, accommodation, transport, training)

5) What not to forget!

health insurance card,

regular medications

ships insurance (can be arranged on

confirmation bezinfekčnosti + proxy for hospitalization (bring to departure)

clothes on water

clothes at home + sportswear for calm cases (eg. For running).

sunscreen, hat and sunglasses

pocket money (above the discretion of the parents, recommendations 100-200 CZK / day)

6) Activities 

This will be focused on agility on the water, maneuvers and starts. At the same time we will try to get acquainted and make friends beginners to racers so that they pass on their experience and help them cope with racing. It is important that every participant can watch or stopwatch with countdown!


7) Applications

logging is possible to 12th April mail to

● If the logs more children than the capacity of action, applications will be considered in chronological order!

8) Contacts

Vojta Lambl

+420 608 751 486


Yacht Club CERE

Podolské Nábřeží - přístav 1
147 00, Praha 4
Česká Republika
+420 605 815 688

IČO: 70104565
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