[11. 1. 2015 21:48:32]
28. 1. 2015 René Sehnal - sailing rules in racing
4. 2. 2015 Michael Maier - Tactics at the start, on the fighting in the racing field
11. 2. 2015 Milan Hájek - Strategy, steering and tactics in and off shore racing
18. 2. 2015 Petr Musil - Trimming sailing boats mainsail, jib, geneker, Spinnaker
25. 2. 2015 Petr Ondráček - Boat Equipment and survival at sea in extreme conditions
4. 3. 2015 Milan Koláček - Preparation for solo off- shore race of the season and a summary of r. 2014
11. 3. 2015 Petr Fiala - Summary of strategy, tactics, techniques and trim away the race
Who are the speakers:
René Sehnal is tactician and navigator on Hebe IV, the chief judge, a member of the Disciplinary Committee.
Michael Maier is a world champion, five-time Olympian, yachtsman 2013.
Milan Hájek's European Champion, Champion of the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Cox s / s Three Sisters.
Thomas Musil is the World Vice Champion, European Champion, multiple champion of the Czech Republic.
Petr Ondráček's solo sailors expert in the field of electrical engineering.
Milan Koláček is a successful solo offshore racer, champion of France and the Czech Republic, yachtsman 2012.
Petr Fiala is the World Vice Champion, multiple champion of the Czech Republic.
Reservations and additional information on www.hebe4.eu
Admission 100 CZK / lecture, 60 places available